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Exterior Stucco Season is Back!

With the summer season right around the corner, Construction Finney is excited to get started again on exterior acrylic and stucco projets.


Contact us today to get started on your exterior cladding renovation or construction!

Our Services

Construction Finney Inc. can assist you with all your plastering and drywall finish needs, whatever the project and sector.

Our Sectors

Escalier courbé avec une rampe arrondie en plâtre sous un puits de lumière dans une maison résidentiel / Curved staircase with a rounded plaster ramp under a skylight in residential home

Our team has experience delivering high-quality results with residential projects. Whether you are undergoing a new build, renovating your home or doing simple repairs, we can support you with your project.


Bureau commercial avec murs arrondis et colonnes en plâtre / Commercial office with rounded walls and columns in plaster

Our team of experts can help you build and renovate your space with precision and attention to detail, ensuring that your vision becomes a reality. Our plastering services can accommodate any type of  space. 

Commercial & Institutionnal

Long couloir avec de grandes fenêtres de 12 pieds dont les murs sont recouverts de plâtre blanc de grade 5 dans un espace de travail industriel / Long hallway with large 12 feet windows with walls covered in white level 5 plaster finish in an industrial workspace

Our team has worked on industrial and civil engineering job sites completing the drywall finishing, ensuring a high-quality finish respecting the engineer's plan. We  can provide plasterers for your next project.

Industrial &
Civil Engineering 

Gros plan d'une peinture en plâtre blanche accrochée à un mur blanc, mettant en valeur les textures et les motifs circulaires créés avec le plâtre de Paris / Close up of a white plaster painting hanging on a white wall, showcasing the textures and circular patterns created with paris plaster

Our team can help you design and build custom artisanal plasterworks.  Whatever your desire (ceiling medallions, moulding, plaster art, etc.), our plaster artisans can make your vision a reality.


Types of Plastering We Offer

Upgrade Your Spaces with Our Expert Plastering

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Plastering a Wall


Construction Finney is a family business that was founded by three young Montrealers, combining their passions for plastering, entrepreneurship and customer experience.


Construction Finney is a real breath of fresh air for renovation. Its team will guide you through every step of your plastering projects to ensure peace of mind and a result that will surpass your expectations.

Our Promises to You...

Cutting-Edge Expertise


At Construction Finney, we ensure that our team possesses the necessary experience to handle even the most complex and unique projects.

Unparalleled Customer Experience


At Construction Finney, we are committed to providing you with the best possible customer experience in the market.

Impeccable Work Ethic


At Construction Finney, we guarantee high-quality work and ensure your satisfaction with every project we undertake.

Casque blanc accroché sur un échafaudage | White helmet hanging on a scaffolding


"Construction Finney did an excellent job and was a pleasant presence. They proposed great solutions and provided impeccable service. I would recommend them without hesitation."

Judith L.

Get Started

We welcome every project with enthusiasm and the highest level of  professionalism. Remplissez notre questionnaire pour une soumission gratuite et réservez une visite.

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