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Ornamental Plastering

Gros plan sur des colonnes sous un ciel bleu, avec des ornements en plâtre décorant le sommet des colonnes / A close-up of columns under a blue sky with plaster ornaments decorating the top of the columns
Gros plan sur la finition en plâtre décorative et florale / A close-up of decorative floral plaster finish

Looking to add a touch of sophistication to your space? Our certified team is highly skilled in creating intricate designs that elevate any interior. As one of the few companies in Montreal specializing in artistic, ornamental and architectural plastering projects, we guarantee a unique and striking finish that will impress all who see it.

Our Specializations

With our background in Ornamental Plastering, we have large capabilities in more technical plastering.

Médaillon de plafond en plâtre simple blanc / White simple plaster ceiling medallion


Ceiling medallions are the perfect elegant addition to any home or business. Our team of expert plasterers specializes in creating custom designs to fit your unique style and needs. We provide flawless installation to ensure that your ceiling medallion looks as beautiful as you imagined.

Colonnes avec ornements en plâtre au sommet / Columns with plaster ornements on the top


Columns are an integral part of any building's architecture, and restoring them requires a keen eye and attention to detail. Our team specializes in restoring columns to their original beauty. We have the expertise to handle even the most challenging column restoration projects. With our team of specialists, you can rest assured your columns will be restored to perfection.

Gros plan d'une moulure de couronne en plâtre / Close-up of plaster crown molding


Crown mouldings are perfect way to open a space to create a beautiful separation between a wall and ceiling. We pride ourselves on offering an extensive range of plastering moulding services. From modern and minimalistic designs to intricate, decorative patterns, we have something to suit every taste.

Get Started

We welcome every project with enthusiasm and the highest level of  professionalism. Fill out our free quote questionnaire and book a visit to get started today.

Casque blanc accroché sur un échafaudage | White helmet hanging on a scaffolding


"Construction Finney did an excellent job and was a pleasant presence. They proposed great solutions and provided impeccable service. I would recommend them without hesitation."

Judith L.

Our Promises to You...

Cutting-Edge Expertise


At Construction Finney, we ensure that our team possesses the necessary experience to handle even the most complex and unique projects.

Unparalleled Customer Experience


At Construction Finney, we are committed to providing you with the best possible customer experience in the market.

Impeccable Work Ethic


At Construction Finney, we guarantee high-quality work and ensure your satisfaction with every project we undertake.

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